Friday, October 9, 2009

Avon linked to Cancer with toxic ingredients

Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, Dr. Samuel Epstein, is warning women that toxic ingredients in Avon Products put users at risk of cancer and hormonal changes.

For this reason, Dr. Epstein is urging the National Cancer Institute to terminate plans for a joint project with Avon until the company reformulates its products to replace all toxic ingredients with safe alternatives.

A class of ingredients in Avon products, parabens, has been shown to stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells in laboratory tests and parabens have been identified as possible causes of breast cancer, Dr. Epstein points out.

Used as preservatives, parabens mimic the hormone estrogen, which is known to play a role in the development of breast cancers.

Dr. Epstein is concerned about cancer-causing ingredients in all cosmetics and personal care products, but he is particularly concerned about Avon Products because of a newly announced collaboration with the National Cancer Institute, a U.S. government agency.
To read the rest of this article, please visit: and click on the health news (page/link)


  1. I did not know this- rather scary. Thank you for sharing this information.

    Barbara Techel
    Award winning author of the Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Book Series
    My passion is bringing a positive face and voice to animals with disabilities
    Frankie is Official Mascot for National Disabled Pets Day and
    Wisconsin Pet Hall of Fame Companion Dog

  2. There are many products out there that cause cancer. People die from lack of knowledge. Thanks for sharing this. Just think of how many people think nothing of eating or drinking out of stryofoam or using microwaves. Eating organic fruits and vegetables raw or juiced is the best one can do since cooking changes the structure of foods.

  3. I wont be using avon anymore, I sure am glade i dont sell it anymore also. Thanks
    Pam Watson
