Monday, May 4, 2009

Healing Music

Music touches the soul in any language. Music can be a powerful catalyst for healing since it touches the very core of our soul. Listening to (healing) music; lowers our blood pressure, boosts the immune system, relieves depression, improves concentration, enhances creativity, manages pain and lowers stress hormones.
A fine wineglass sings when resonated with its fundamental frequency. Jeffrey Thompson, D.C., discovered people also resonate when exposed to their fundamental frequency. Incorporating his special knowledge of binaural beats formed by programmed phasing of sound between the channels in headphones, he synchronizes both hemispheres of the brain as visualized on various scientific medical monitors. The brain synchronizes with the beat and then  he beat is slowly changed to the frequency of the state of mind desired, such as alpha for relaxation or delta for deep sleep.
Dr. Thompson has incorporated various isolated frequencies that elicit the desired responses into musical notes and then composes nonlinear music using complex algorithms of musical notes combined with up tot 50 channels of various sound elements. 
The type of audio stimulation one selects should be based on the desired entertainment of brain waves and the state of consciousness associated with that frequency. For example, for insomnia; music designed to increase delta brain waves might be best for those seeking a sleep aid or state of deep relaxation.
Even in times of war, soldiers and personnel have been saved by music,

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